Introduction to Behavioral Analysis - International Course (Online)

Language: French
Sale price$695.00

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The International version of the Introduction to Behavioral Analysis online training course is designed to provide an overview of DISC theory and its practical applications in real-world scenarios. This course covers the four DISC dominant personality styles and how they interact, how to administer and assess DISC behavioral reports, and strategies for implementing positive change based on the results of DISC tests.

Upon completing this course, you will gain an understanding of how others process information and respond to change, the dominant fears of each behavioral style, the historical origins of personality theory, and the principles of behavioral interaction. Additionally, you will learn how to distinguish between a person's mask and their core self, identify when a person is experiencing stress, and assess a person's nonverbal communication.

While this course alone does not offer certification in behavioral analysis, it is the first step toward becoming a PeopleKeys Certified Behavioral Consultant. To achieve accreditation, you must also successfully complete the Level 2 Advanced Behavioral Analysis or Applied Behavioral Analysis course.

Using behavioral analysis as a part of your counseling, coaching, or consulting practice can enhance relational time professionally and personally, increase sensitivity to others around you, and maximize personal strengths while minimizing weaknesses. It can also help resolve internal conflicts and power struggles more quickly, enhance teamwork among staff, develop focused and motivated teams, and reveal root communication problems in just seven minutes. Overall, the Introduction to Behavioral Analysis course is an investment in yourself and your relationships, enabling you to develop the skills to recognize different personality styles and adapt to effectively communicate with those around you.

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