What is a type I personality?

The I personality style in the DISC model by Dr. William Marston is not afraid to be the center of attention. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, talkative, persuasive, impulsive, and emotional. This DISC type will trust others naturally, truly enjoys being around others, and function best when around people and working in teams. You can find the I style in the active and people-oriented section of the DISC quadrant.

What does the type I personality contribute to a team?

The I styles are naturally creative problem solvers who can think outside of the box. They are great at encouraging and motivating others to take action. They keep environments positive with their enthusiasm, optimism, and cheerful sense of humor. They will go out of their way to keep things light, avoid and negotiate conflict and keep the peace.

The I type personality is likely not good with detail. They are more concerned with people and popularity than with tangible results and organization. It's also possible that they are not great listeners and may give the impression of waiting to speak instead of genuinely listening to what someone else is saying. In some cases, gestures and facial expressions are overly used.

What is the greatest fear of I styles?

Since others' acceptance and approval is the primary desire of I styles, rejection is their biggest fear.

What motivates the high I personality?

The I DISC style is motivated by others' approval, flattery, praise, popularity, or acceptance. They enjoy freedom from too many rules or regulations and gravitate towards a friendly and fun environment. They thrive when they can be the talker, the presenter, the main person who builds rapport or has high influence when working in teams but needs another person to handle the details.

What is the ideal environment for the I type personality?

Type I personalities require a place that does not feel rigid and controlled. They are happiest with few conflicts and arguments, where there are other people around, and some level of flexibility. They do not like focusing on details or spending a lot of time alone. They need a forum to express ideas and love group activities in professional and social environments.

What does the high I personality desire?

I styles desire acceptance and social esteem. They desire recognition for being creative, their ability to motivate and influence, and especially for their sense of humor. They want to be around others and desire environments to be positive and even fun, both at work and socially.

What should one remember to do when working with I personality types?

When working with type I personalities, it's essential to build rapport and be friendly. Approach them in a favorable and friendly workplace environment. Give them plenty of opportunities to verbalize their ideas, as they usually have very creative thoughts and are great problem solvers. Because they have so many ideas and enjoy discussing them, it may take some planning to turn their verbal ideas into action. It helps them have someone write details down for them or check back on occasion to make sure action items are being done to expectation and on-point. Allow time for social activities at work; they are great motivators of others.

What should one remember not to do when working with an I personality?

Don't eliminate social time, as this is a very motivating factor for them. Don't do all the talking or strictly tell I DISC personality types what to do. You'll miss the opportunity to hear about their ideas and creative solutions to problems. When providing feedback, don't react to them in a way that makes them feel rejected. Feeling rejected by others is the greatest fear of the I personality profile and will result in their feeling insecure instead of playing to their strengths.

What is a high I DISC Style likely to do when working with details or when analyzing information?

I types are likely to lose concentration when too many details are present. They may overlook important information and facts. On the other hand, when analyzing data, I Types can be very creative problem solvers and should not be left out of the process.

What positive characteristics does the I personality type possess when in teams?

I personality types are spontaneous communicators and participative managers who can both influence and inspire others. They are intuitive and agreeable, and very motivating when in a team or group. They deal with change well and respond well to the unexpected, often putting a positive spin on any negative factors. Their enthusiasm makes them a focal point amongst others and provides them leadership opportunities. They express ideas well, work well with others, and are not afraid to offer opinions. I styles make great spokespeople, are persuasive, and are known for their positive attitude. They accomplish goals through a sense of humor and influencing people. They are extremely accepting of others and are strong leaders in brainstorming sessions.

What are personal growth areas for I personality types?

They tend to make decisions impulsively and would benefit from some research and contemplation before acting. I styles are wonderful at presenting, motivating, and problem-solving, but sometimes may be slow to action. They could benefit from setting small goals, breaking big goals into smaller steps, and keeping lists. They will need to practice exercising control over actions, words, and emotions. Type I personality styles tend to be swift thinkers and may need to slow their pace for other team members. As natural talkers, I styles may need to concentrate on talking less and listening more. The I DISC style may tend to say "Yes" and over-promise. They shouldn't take on more than they can accomplish and need to concentrate on following through with tasks.