D Type DISC Personality Style Explained
What is a type D personality?
The D personality style tends to be direct and decisive, sometimes described as dominant. They would prefer to lead than follow and tend towards leadership and management positions. They tend to have high self-confidence and are risk-takers and problem-solvers, enabling others to look to them for decisions and direction. They tend to be self-starters.
What does the type D personality contribute to a team?
Type D individuals think about big picture goals and tangible results. They are bottom-line organizers that can lead an entire group in one direction. They place great value on time frames and seeing results. The D may challenge the status quo and think in a very innovative way.
What are the possible weaknesses of the D style?
People with a D personality style tend to overstep authority, as they prefer to be in charge themselves. At times they can be argumentative and not listen to the reasoning of others. They tend to dislike repetition and routine and may ignore the details and minutia of a situation, even if it's important. They may attempt too much at one time, hoping to see quick results.
What is the greatest fear of D personality types?
DISC D styles crave to control situations and therefore fear the idea of being taken advantage of by others.
What motivates the D personality style?
Type D styles are highly motivated by new challenges, setting and achieving goals, and seeing tangible results. They appreciate receiving verbal recognition from others as well as rewards. They enjoy the power and authority to take risks and make decisions. Freedom from routine and mundane tasks is essential. Since repetition is frustrating for the D, changing environments between work and play can be highly motivating.
What is the ideal environment for the D personality type?
They like to focus on the future and the big picture and prefer non-routine, challenging tasks and activities. They are motivated by projects that produce physical, trackable, or tangible results. They enjoy being in charge or having the freedom to make decisions for themselves and crave freedom from controls, supervision, and details.
What does the high D personality style desire?
D personalities desire freedom from others' rules and gravitate towards authority, personal freedom, and advancement opportunities. Give them recognition and prestige for their work and ideas, and present them with awards or certificates they can showcase. DISC profile D styles emphasize promoting growth and a "bottom line" approach in the work environment. They feel accomplished by solving problems and "getting things done."
What should one remember to do when working with D DISC types?
When working with a D, be direct, to the point, and brief. Concentrate on tangible facts and talk about "what" instead of "how." Emphasize business topics instead of social issues and try to be results-oriented. Make suggestions for how to achieve the goal instead of talking about why it won't work. Try to think like a D and adapt to their personality traits when interacting with them. Be confident and focus on problem-solving.
What should one remember not to do when working with a D type?
When working with a D, it's important not to emphasize problems, negative points, and small details. They are big picture thinkers and may perceive you as unfavorable. Try to speak confidently when talking to a D style in the workplace. Avoid repeating yourself or rambling. Don't make generalizations or statements without support. Concentrate on the topic and do not be too sociable, as they want to get right to the point.
What is a high D DISC style likely to do when working with details or when analyzing information?
Because the D Style wants to look forward and think in more significant terms, they tend to ignore the information and analysis of past experiences and the details of what new projects may entail. They may ignore potential risks, not weigh the pros and cons, and not consider others' opinions. They will likely offer innovative and progressive ideas and systems but will need someone else to break down the project and work with the specifics.
What positive characteristics do D personalities possess when in teams?
D Types will likely be very autocratic managers in a team environment and rise to the top during crisis moments. They tend to provide direction and leadership, push groups toward decision- making, maintain focus on goals, and achieve tangible results. D styles are direct and lack social interest, which can sometimes intimidate others. They are generally optimistic thinkers but may have personality conflicts with others they perceive as unfavorable. They function well with heavy workloads and when under stress and welcome new challenges and risks without fear.
What are personal growth areas for D personality types?
They may be perceived as always speaking and not listening to others. The D may need to strive to listen more actively, be attentive to other team members' ideas and strive for consensus instead of making decisions alone. Instead of making only broad, decisive statements, be careful to explain the "whys" of your proposals and decisions. The D can be controlling and domineering and will need to watch their tone and body language when feeling frustrated or stressed out. The D can be all business and goals, making them seem socially inhibited. They may need to center more on developing personal relationships and recognizing others' opinions, feelings, and desires. It may take some intentionality to be friendlier and more approachable in social interactions.