Not sure what the difference between a report and assessment is? No idea what BAI means? You've come to the right place! On this page, we'll define the difference between DISC assessments and reports, as well as related terms including TEAMS, Values, and BAI.

DISC Assessment

An assessment is a tool that is designed to measure a person’s behavior, thinking, and/or motivations. At PeopleKeys, we offer assessments for personal and professional development. Our assessments are based on the DISC theory, which measures four behavioral styles (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) that are commonly exhibited by people in various situations.

DISC Report

A report is the result of an assessment. It is a detailed analysis of a person’s behavior, thinking, and/or motivations. At PeopleKeys, our reports are designed to help individuals gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Our reports are based on the DISC theory and are designed to be easy to understand and apply in real-life situations.


The TEAMS assessment measures five identifiable thinking styles that one may display while working on a team. This assessment can be applied for individual understanding or to identify different working styles amongst a group or team. The five TEAMS styles are:

  • T = Theorist: The theorist comes up with new ideas and guides the direction of thought and possible action in the group. This person thinks “What are we doing and where are we going?”
  • E = Executor: The executor is a doer and an accomplisher. They think ”What do I need to do towards completing this task?”
  • A = Analyst: The Analyst looks at the plan, the information, and the steps to completion and questions whether it is correct, accurate, and makes logical sense. This person thinks “Are we doing the right thing?”
  • M = Manager: The manager leads people, creates groups and teams that are in harmony, and oversees the process towards execution. They think, “Who is doing what? What overall milestones have we accomplished? Are we on track?”
  • S = Strategist: The Strategist takes ideas and creates a strategy for execution. This person thinks, “How will we accomplish that? What are all the steps and pieces?


The Values assessment measures one’s internal motivators. These factors impact our decision-making. The four Values styles are:

  • L = Loyalty: Someone with high loyalty will remain loyal to a person or a system. They will stick with something no matter what and this guides their decision-making.
  • E = Equivalence: Someone with high equivalence expects that everyone will be treated the same, with the same set of rules and benefits at all times. This value guides their decision-making.
  • J = Justice: Someone with high justice is willing to compromise in the moment and use different sets of rules for different people, as long as the end result is accomplished. This value guides their decision-making.
  • P = Personal Freedom: Someone with high personal freedom cares about his or her own levels of independence and freedom. They like to do things on their terms or with their own set of rules and this guides their decision-making.


The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) allows you to uncover the hidden motivators, or passions, that influence the way we think and act. The six BAI styles are:

  • I = Inner Awareness/Spiritual Growth: A desire for balance, harmony, and self-growth
  • S = Social/Humanitarian: A desire to help others altruistically
  • P = Power/Political: A desire to be in control or have influence
  • E = Economic/Tangible: A desire for financial security or economic gain
  • A = Artistic/Innovative: A desire to express uniqueness or individuality
  • K = Knowledge/Proficiency: A desire for learning and greater understanding