DISC is an acronym for the four personality styles that make up the DISC model of behavior as we know them today: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). The DISC model is a powerful and profoundly simple tool for understanding people. Human behavior can be a mystery. At home or in the workplace, behavior and personality are often misunderstood and become areas of stress affecting your work productivity and happiness. 7-minute DISC test can unlock the key to better relationships, conflict resolution, motivation, and self-growth.

Who developed DISC Theory?

DISC theory, researched by Dr. William Moulton Marston at Harvard University, is a method of identifying predictable actions and personality traits within human behavior. Marston narrowed these predictable personality traits into four DISC personality types. Dr. William Moulton Marston founded DISC Theory in the 1920s while at Harvard University doing research for his book, The Emotions of Normal People. Dr. Marston developed the DISC model of behavior as a method of identifying observable and predictable actions and personality traits within human behavior in everyday environments. Marston narrowed these predictable personality traits into four DISC personality types: (D) Dominance, (I) Inducement, (S) Submission, and (C) Compliance. While the core principles of the DISC model remain the same as when founded by Dr. Marston, today's presentation of the DISC model incorporates advancements in psychology measurement and theory, as well as more contemporary terminology and descriptions for the four behavioral styles.

What does a DISC profile tell you?

The DISC profile is your guide to self-awareness. It will give you insight into your personality style strengths, limitations, and communication preferences, as well as insight into communicating with other DISC personality types. Just like creating infinite new colors by mixing together primary colors for painting, your DISC profile is made up of these four basic personality traits of human behavior and every person has a very unique personality style blend. It's the "color palette of personality."

DISC Personality Style Primer

Human behavior is not cut and dry, or black and white, which is why the DISC model consists of a combination of the four DISC personality styles. It's possible, but rare that someone only has only one of the personality traits, but more likely that they have traits from each of the four DISC styles. For example, one might have Dominance (D) as the highest factor, with Steadiness (S) as a secondary factor, and a little bit of Influence (I) as a third.

Taking into account someone's primary, secondary, tertiary and even absent personality traits allows us to see the unique blend of their DISC personality types and how this affects their everyday actions, personal preferences within different environments, communication with others, ability to organize, reactions or avoidance of conflict, and more.

By understanding someone's DISC profile, we can take proactive steps to place that person in environments where they'll feel comfortable and empowered, approach them in a way that they'll react positively, and better understand and predict their actions and reactions in general. Human behavior is complex, yet predictable.

The DISC Assessment

In the 1940s, Walter Clarke developed the first assessment based on Marston's DISC model of behavior. The DISC test as we know it today has been developed into different versions and has been used in business and personal applications for over 35 years. PeopleKeys' DISC assessment is the most validated and reliable on the market today, and it is available online in over 35 international languages. The DISC Theory research that Marston conducted in the 1920s continues today to give us great insight into human behavior and DISC personality types. Discover your DISC behavioral style by taking a DISC assessment today!